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New Year's Resolutions


Whatever you plan to do this year, realise that most people’s new year’s resolutions tend to revolve around denying themselves. They can be difficult to stick to and we tend to beat ourselves up when we don’t stick to them and often over compensate for example: we may decide to give up drinking, stop eating cheese or chocolate or get fit and go to the gym every day. When we slip up it is tempting to put this in the “fuck it bucket”; we finish the bottle of wine, eat the rest of the chocolates, decide we will get off the sofa another day (it’s too late, dark, cold now obviously we tell ourselves) We inevitably slip up; how about to resolve to drink less, eat less, move more; be realistic and it seems more manageable. We can try again tomorrow; you are not a bad person if you do not stick to your resolutions.

Do not be a slave to your phone; you do not have to answer that call; whoever it is can ring again, text you, whattsapp you, email you if it is urgent. You do not have to answer that text message straight away, do it when you’re ready. If you are currently working from home turn your work phone off out of work hours. Remember people only post what they want you to see on Facebook, Instagram, Snap chat – their life is not that perfect. Don’t compare yourself.

Add more things that make you happy – eat more healthy food, meditate more and exercise more. Talk to your friends and family more; this may feel very difficult especially at the moment with Covid 19 restrictions. You can reach out, ring them, face time, Zoom whatever platform you like. If they don’t answer don’t panic, they will answer when they are ready.

Get out in nature – It’s raining? Take an umbrella and boots, you won’t melt, you can’t catch a cold from being cold or wet. Too cold? Wrap up warm, you will warm up when you start walking anyway. Feel unwell? Its surprising how much better a walk makes you feel. Anxious? Take it slowly, go somewhere familiar, don’t go too far from home, meet a friend for socially distanced walk. If you are self isolating go outside in your garden if you have one, it could make all the difference.

Listen to music, sing, dance, remember how to laugh, remember to be a child and to care for your inner child

Speak to yourself the way you would to your best friend – you could be the best friend you can be.



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